2025 Referendum

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The White Lake School District Referendum

November 5, 2024

The White Lake School District is projecting a total budget shortfall of around $5 to $5.4 million between the 2025-2030 school years without an operational referendum. While the school district’s student population has grown from 149 to 171 students since this past referendum passed, the district has also been reducing positions overall. 

The White Lake School Board is asking the public to consider passing a $1.1 million dollar per year for five years through a non-reoccurring referendum to address these operational needs.  The authority to exceed the revenue limit would begin in 2025-2026 and run 2029-2030.

Projected Mill Rate with Referendum to Exceed the Revenue Limit

Year Mill Rate Tax on a $100,000 Home

 2025-2026 $9.49 $949

  2026-2027       $9.72       $972

 2027-2028 $9.99 $999

 2028-2029 $9.46 $946

The Mill Rates projected above include the tax levy for the school district's operation, the tax levy to pay the referendum-approved facilities debt, and the tax levy for the $1,100,000 referendum to exceed the revenue limit.

The Mill Rate after the 2027-2028 school year drops becuase the building debt for the large gym and fitness center addition will be paid off. This will drop the mill rate to around $9.46 which amounts to an overall increase of $12 on a $100,000 piece of property over the 2024-2025 school year’s mill rate.

NOTE:  The Mill Rate for the 2024-2025 fiscal year in $9.34 or $934 on a $100,000 home 

NOTE:  Some financial information on this page may change as the Wisconsin Department of Instruction certifies equalized property values, full-time student enrollments, and state aid.